Kamis, 30 Juni 2011




Jumat, 24 Juni 2011


Down to you
You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should've never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should've never thought of you

Of you
You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I want
No, I don't know what I want

You got it, you got it, some kind of magic
Hypnotic, hypnotic, you're leaving me breathless
I hate this, I hate this, you're not the one I believe in
With God as my witness

Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should've never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
{ From: }
From saying something that I should've never thought of you

Of you
You're pushing and pulling me down to you
But I don't know what I want
No, I don't know what I want!

Don't know what I want
But I know it's not you
Keep pushing and pulling me down
When I know in my heart it's not you
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should've never thought
Now when I caught myself, I had to stop myself
From saying something that I should've never thought of you

I knew
I know in my heart it's not you, I knew
But now I know what I want, I want, I want
Oh no, I've should have never thought!

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011



Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.
There is nothing else in the world,
I'd rather wake up and see (with you).
Beautiful dawn - I'm just chasing time again.
Thought I would die a lonely man, in endless night.
But now I'm high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.

Beautiful dawn - melt with the stars again.
Do you remember the day when my journey began?
Will you remember the end of time?
Beautiful dawn - You're just blowing my mind again.
Thought I was born to endless night, until you shine.
High; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me.

Will you be my shoulder when I'm grey and older?
Promise me tomorrow starts with you,
Getting high; running wild among all the stars above.
Sometimes it's hard to believe you remember me 

Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


ini salah satu hobi ya sekaligus iseng2an buat cari tambahan duit ..
photography sebenernya sih suka tapi yaa cara edit foto aku yg kurang memadai jadi males buat foto2 gtu ada sih salah satu hasil foto yg aku punyaa ini ni dia 

bisa dibilang amatir sih tapi ya i'll try to became better 


hey akuu punya sahabat looh tapi kadang2 haha tapi yg paling deket yg ini 
*adee aripta
*ema arini
ini yg nemenin kalo aku sedih tapi kdang2 nyebelin juga sih :) wkwkw
kita uda mau pisah ga bakal ketemu lagi mungkin mereka juga mungkin udah lupa nanti ..
tapi yaudah sih aku sayang merekaaa :)

about me ♥

haloo nama saya Ida Ayu Puspa Cindrarini bisa dipanggil Dayu , Cindra apa aja boleh deh :) saat ini umur saya baru 15th . bisa dibilang masih kecil sih tapi masih tahap buat belajar dewasa . saya anak pertama dari ibu dan ajik . ajik saya orangnya keras tapi pekerja keras dan mudah juga buang2 uang , dan ibu saya pekerja keras juga disiplin punya pendirian dan saya sangat menyayangi ibu saya . saya punya 1 adik perempuan yg bandel dan malesnya minta ampun . bagaimanapun mereka saya tetep sayang sama keluarga saya .
inilah saya DayuCindra :)