Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013


Mulailah awal baru, mulailah menghargai mereka

Berbicara tentang sampah, siapa orang di dunia ini yang tidak mengetahui sampah? tentu saja mereka pasti tahu apa itu sampah. Melihat potret jalanan yang saat ini banyak kita temui sampah berserakan di mana-mana pasti membuat banyak masyarakat risih akan hal itu. Banyak dampak yang di timbulkan oleh sampah salah satunya ada penyakit. Apa pernah terlintas di pikiran kalian bahwa kita memiliki pahlawan yang tak terjamah dan sering kalian lihat di lingkungan kalian? Saya yakin kalian pasti sering melihatnya tapi tak mengetahui bahwa mereka adalah seorang pahlawan. 

Tukang Sapu jalanan beliau lah pahlawan yang tak terjamah saat ini.  Pernahkah kalian memikirkan, bila kalian menjadi seorang tukang sapu jalanan? Mungkin yang terlintas di pikiran kalian pekerjaan seperti itu adalah pekerjaan yang kotor, tak berpendidikan dan juga sangat rendah di mata kalian. Tetapi pernahkan anda bayangkan bagaimana jadinya bila di dunia ini tidak ada tukang sapu jalanan? Pasti akan banyak dampak yang timbul salah satunya adalah sampah berserakan dimana-mana, sampah menumpuk di lingkungan kita, bau yang tidak sedap menusuk hidung, dan lalat-lalat berdatangan akan menyebabkan penyakit. Tukang sapu jalananlah penyelamat kita dari segala hal menakutkan tersebut, mereka yang sering dipandang remeh, dan direndahkan orang banyak tapi jasa mereka sangat berpengaruh bagi kita saat ini. Tukang sapu jalanan adalah suatupekerjaan yang mulia, walaupun pendapatan mereka tak sebanding dengan pekerjaan lainnya.
Tukang sampah di Indonesia rata-rata minim perlengkapan, terkadang mereka berkerja tanpa menggunakan sarung tangan, sepatu boot, masker dan perlengkapan lainnya. Padahal pekerjaan mereka sangat beresiko terkena penyakit, terkena benda-benda tajam, dll. Tak heran, tukang sapu di lingkungan saya sering absen dengan alasan sakit dan terkadang terkena beling kaca ketika membersihkan jalanan.  

Pada umumnya tukang sapu dipandang sebelah mata oleh masyarakat, padahal nyatanya tukang sapulah yang membantu membersihkan sampah-sampah yang telah mereka buang sembarangan. Diantara para tukang sapu, dalam menjalankan tugasnya juga terdapat persaingan, seperti untuk mendapatkan hasil  dari wilayah operasi. Faktor keterampilan, dan daya tahan fisik yang akan menentukan seberapa lama mereka dapat membersihkan tempat-tempat yang masih banyak terdapat sapu. Siapa yang kuat fisiknya, pagi, siang, sore bahkan malam hari, dapat melakukan aktivitasnya sebagai tukang sapu, maka akan menentukan hasil kerja mereka.Pekerjaan menjadi tukang sampah bukanlah pekerjaan hina seperti yang selama ini kita  bayangkan dan faktor yang menyebabkan mereka berprofesi sebagai tukang sapu jalanan yaitu faktor ekonomi, keterbatasan pendidikan dan keterbatasan modal. Jadi cobalah jangan memandang mereka dengan sebelah mata, mereka adalah pahlawan yang tak terjamah saat ini. Semoga kita bisa lebih menghargai jasa tukang sapu jalanan. 

                                                                              inilah beberapa potret dari mereka :)

Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Happy A Merry Christmas

Everybody know what christmas is. A warm feeling in family, a long holiday, a delicious cookies, a chirstmas tree and absolutely Snow. I don't know why i love christmas, probably it's because i always watched a christmas movies on television. Mostly, people whose celebrate christmas are christian or chatolic. and i'm none of them. in my point of view, everybody can celebrate it but in the different way. We as human being should have a tolerance in every religion in the world. Hope someday i can celebrate christmas with many happiness in a warm family.

A Wish A seventeen

It's throw back actually, i'm feeling so happy when my seventeen was coming up. On Oct'05 2013 i grew up became older than before and my ages didn't sixteen anymore. I was sharing my happiness to the orphans house. And they looked so excited when i came there with many gift that i brought in my hand and they also using a hat birthday that made them looked so cute. It's sort of a simple birthday party, i didn't know whats going on in my mind at that time. I felt, it was wasting money or energy for did something that not really worth. For celebrated my birthday that's why i choose to visit orphan child in Panti Asuhan Dharma Jati II. And also big thanks for Gladius Class whose came and celebrated it together. :)

                                         see them when using mask birthday, are they cute, aren't they?

                                              you're all worth! this something that i treasure :)

Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Second Honestly

I'm sad. But i can look at people in the eye and say i'm okay. But i'm happy. And i don't understand how i can be? my life overall is okay. i have good days, i have bad days. And i have days here just want to sit in bed and cry but i'm happy. I don't understand how i can be sad but happy. I guess i just need more time to figure out. If there's enough time in the world. 


I honestly have no idea why i still torture myself by visiting his facebook profile, or another social network that he has. Everytime, there's a small but deep pang of sadness, loneliness, and longing. Yet i do it over and over. 


I envy people that grew up in a strong family, one that has stood through the stroms and has never had to endure the broken pains of addiction running through it. I envy people that had parents who loves then enough to never lay hand or an abusive comment on them. I envy people who's families prayed at every dinner every day and had friday nights together watching movies and loving each other's company. I envy togetherness, they've never had to suffer for lack of want, for lack of attention, and never had to experience the dread ad anxienty of broken bonds.


Minggu, 30 Desember 2012

Marilyn Monroe

I can be selfish
Yeah, so impatient
Sometimes I feel like Marilyn Monroe
I’m insecure yeah I make mistakes
Sometimes I feel like I’m at the end of the road

I can get low I can get low
Don’t know which way is up
Yeah I can get high, I can get high
Like I could never come down

Call it a curse
Or just call me blessed
If you can’t handle my worst
You ain’t getting my best
Is this how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt?
Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt

Its like all the good things
They fall apart like…
Like Marilyn Monroe

Truth is we mess up
Till we get it right
I don't want to end up losing my soul

I can get low, I can get low
Don’t know which way is up
Yea I can get high, I can get high
Like I could never come down

Call it a curse
Or just call me blessed
If you can’t handle my worst
You ain’t getting my best
Is this how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt?
Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt

Take me or leave me
I’ll never be perfect
Believe me I’m worth it
So take me or leave me
(So take me or leave me)
So take me or leave me
(So take me or leave me)

Call it a curse or just call
Me blessed if you can't handle
My worst you ain't getting my best
Is this how Marilyn Monroe felt, felt
Felt, felt? Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt,
Felt, felt, felt

Is this how Marilyn Monroe
Felt, felt, felt, felt must be how
Marilyn Monroe felt, felt, felt, felt?